Kristel Thornell

Night StreetOn The Blue TrainThe Sirens Sing

"All with a glorious physical intensity, remembered in the writing--the harbour waters, the mountain bush, in which hearts and minds have their bodily being. The Sirens Sing is lushly immersive while maintaining an ironic scrutiny I think of as Italian--Natalia Ginzburg, Giorgio Bassani, Elena Ferrante--and Lampedusa, who wrote a story called 'The Professor and the Siren'. As well as very Sydney."
Nicholas Jose

"I do like it when authors try something new. Not for the sake of it, but to achieve something different, something that only works in the novel because the novelist has been adventurous."
Lisa Hill, ANZ LitLovers LitBlog.

"And Kristel Thornell has written another novel that will haunt me."
Robert Fairhead, Book Reviews on Tall And True.

Author Kristel Thornell returns to her Blue Mountains childhood in latest novel, The Sirens Sing
Damien Madigan, Blue Mountains Gazette.

Lust, not love: The Sirens Sing exposes the dangerous side of desire
Helen Elliott, Sydney Morning Herald.

Author Kristel Thornell talks about why she set her new novel in Merrylands.
Cumberland Conversations Podcast.

Writers off the Page Podcast.

"The Sirens Sing -- the characters' voices and stories, the landscapes and the social worlds they inhabit -- had been forming in my imagination for years. I had known that I wanted this novel to be steeped in Australian atmospheres and realities of which I have powerful memories."
Memory as Research: a note from Kristel Thornell.

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